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Train the Trainer

LMS and Videos at your own pace -Online Train the Trainer - Create Your Own Online Course (clone)

By the end of this course, participants will have developed and created a ready-to-launch public defense distance learning course by:
* Creating learning objectives for your target audience
* Storyboarding the arc of the course
* Understanding and choosing between the different approaches to online learning methods, including:
* Asynchronous use of video, reading, discussion forums and quizzes
* Synchronous use of online video conferencing
* Understanding and setting up the equipment needed to record videos
* Understanding and setting up individual modules in NAPD's learning management system
* Developing online small group facilitation skills
* Assuring user accountability through reporting systems and quizzes
* Sharing knowledge and resources with other public defense trainers to avoid recreating the wheel
* Receiving feedback from the instructors and other participants regarding the design and delivery of the course
  • Section 1: Getting Started with Distance Learning
  • Welcome to the course (4 min)
  • Learning Objectives (10 min)
  • Time Expectations (4 min)
  • Growth Mindset (4 min)
  • Jeff's thoughts on PD training and the future role of distance learning (7 min)
  • Tech to consider acquiring
  • Section 2: Adult Learning Theory and Learning Objectives
  • Section 3: Story, Design and Getting Organized
  • Section 4: Putting It Together: Learning Management System
  • Section 4: Overview of TalentLMS options
  • Overview of Instructor Guide to LMS (8 min)
  • How to find your course and those of others in your group (1 min)
  • Adding Sections and Reordering (3 min)
  • Reordering Units to put them where you want in the listing (2 min)
  • Adding "Content" (3 min)
  • Assignment: Add Content Unit to your course
  • Using TalentLMS files system to share documents (4 min)
  • Adding Videos from YouTube or your computer (3 min)
  • Adding text to a page with embedded video (2 min)
  • Adding Questions (5 min)
  • Section 5: Video Production
  • Section 5: Video Production Introduction (9 min)
  • Setting up your office for video (4 min)
  • Check list for making Zoom video
  • Video Recording Using Zoom (5 min)
  • Zoom PowerPoint Feature ( 5 min)
  • How to upload your video into TalentLMS (3 min)
  • Editing (trimming) a video using PowerPoint (optional) (6 min)
  • PowerPoint record a slide show with narration approach (optional)(6 min)
  • Jeff's studio set up (4 min)
  • Camtasia Editing (10 min) (optional if you have Camtasia)
  • Section 6: More on Using TalentLMS System
  • Section 6: Creating Discussion Units (5 min)
  • Using Discussion for students to share documents with each other (3 min)
  • Tests (4 min)
  • Adding Assignments (3 min)
  • Approaches to adding document using your own cloud based system (4 min)
  • Creating a shared folder for uploading documents and sharing (3 min)
  • Viewing reports in the LMS
  • LMS 1/10/2022
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed